
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2022

Star Maker

The case was solved. September 18th, 2023.  ****************************************** This company, Star Maker, the app, stole my voice, my image and they don't want to remove it from their app. The company is located in The United States of America.  LINK:  https://m.starmakerstudios.com/d/playrecording?app=sm&from_user_id=12947848933541468&is_convert=true&recordingId=12947848942270226&share_type=fb&fbclid=IwAR3YH6xrPCpFUwzexEdnUrWm4PamPPcurOcPpioXwfgwN-ojuRazhjF4i6w Jun 23th, 2022 Claim at USA Embassy. Star maker case  Link:  https://ethnicjustice.blogspot.com/2022/11/i-cant-be-thrown-out-here-on-my-own.html